Call for the nominations for IFSM medals
Statutes of IFSM awards IMC21_IFSM Awards Nomination form
Popularizing science without gender bias
This hybrid event is the 10th SCGES webinar and is the participation of the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science to the Global Women’s Breakfast. The event will be held in hybrid format (online and in-person) form on February 27th, 2024.Venue; Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 ParisAgenda 8:30 AM CET (in person only): Global Women Breakfast 9:30 AM CET (in person only): Group visit of Maison Poincaré led by Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage, IHP director 10:45 AM – 12:45 CET (in person and online): Webinar: Popularizing science without gender bias The presentations concentrate on two specific challenges: How to contribute popularising mathematics in a museum…
IMC20 by Angus Kirkland
I am writing this having just returned home from IMC 20 hosted by the Korean Society in Busan. IMC 20 was the first major international microscopy conference held face to face post pandemic and by any metric was a huge success. We listened to 5 days of outstanding scientific presentations including our five plenary and 3 medal lectures. I was struck by the fact that despite the effects of the pandemic our field is thriving and clearly rapidly advancing. The strength of support for IMC from the international community was evidenced by the record number of attendees, at some 3100 delegates and by the 2000 abstracts submitted. This meeting would…
IFSM Young Scientist Assembly
The IFSM Young Scientist Assembly (YSA) took place at IMC20 on September 2023. It gathered 50 young scientists selected based on their accomplishments and ICM20 abstract. This program was open to all PhD students and researchers in their early stage of careers who completed their Ph.D. within five years from the date of the congress. The IFSM YSA started with a dinner on Saturday, September 9th, 2023, followed by a full one-day meeting on Sunday, September 10th, 2023.
The Kavli Prize 2020
The Kavli Prizes are awarded in three areas: astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience. The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the 2020 Kavli Prize in Nanoscience to Harald Rose, Maximilian Haider, Knut Urban and Ondrej L. Krivanek for sub-ångström resolution imaging and chemical analysis using electron beams. The 2020 Kavli Prize in Nanoscience honours four pioneers who enabled humanity to see the structure and chemical composition of materials in three dimensions on unprecedentedly short length scales. To read more about the prize visit the Kavli website.
The 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC 20)
Since 1954, IMC has been held in various locations around the world, offering a venue for presenting cutting-edge research in microscopy. But the IMC20 will not only be a precious opportunity to meet colleagues, it will also be a chance to experience Korean and Asian cultures. The conference will occur on Busan, Korea, between September 10-15, 2023. The event is organized by the Korean Society of Microscopy (KSM) and the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM). Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 April 2023 For more information visit the IMC20 website
Hybrid event: How to evaluate and reduce the gender gap in science?
With the International Day for Women and Girls in Science fast approaching, it is timely to revisit the report, A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It? Released in 2020 as part of a three-year project by nine international scientific organizations, the report suggested four areas of future work for the international scientific community to address the gender gap in science. The event will take place on 14 February 2023 in conjunction with the International Day, the International Year of Basic Science for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD), and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry – IUPAC’s – Global Women’s Breakfast. The hybrid webinar…
Election to the IFSM Executive Board
At the General Assembly held at IMC19 in Sydney the following were elected to the IFSM Executive Board. PresidentProfessor Angus Kirkland General SecretaryProfessor Eva Olsson Executive Board MembersProfessor Jordi ArbiolProfessor Reinhard RachelProfessor Virginie SerinProfessor Kamanio Chattopadhyay Inderpreet Gill was elected to the Executive as the representative of ICMA The executive board of ISFM sadly announces that Professor Alec Moodie passed away on the 9th July 2018. Professor Moodie was a pioneer in electron microscopy and diffraction who is perhaps best known for his development of the multislice method widely used for the simulation of electron scattering. IFSM has been admitted as a full union member of the International Council for…
President Kazuo Furuya Report 2015-2018
President Kazuo Furuya publised his report for years 2015-2018.
Professor Hatsujiro Hashimoto passed away
The Executive Board of IFSM sadly announce that Professor Hatsujiro Hashimoto passed away on April 15th, 2017. Professor Hashimoto served on the IFSM Executive Board as the President from 1982 to 1986 and as the Chair Person of the 11th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM) held in Kyoto, Japan, 1986.